Board Meetings are normally held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM at 3630 Sinton Rd., #300 RowCal's office.
2025 meeting schedule: Jan. 28, [possible March 25 Special Assessment mtg.], May 27, July 22, Sept. 23, and the tentative date for the Annual on October 28 (location to be determined).
Please email Derek to verify the meeting time/date or to be placed on the agenda.
Meeting ID: 876 9572 7155
Passcode: 421315
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+17193594580,,87695727155#,,,,*421315# US
+12532050468,,87695727155#,,,,*421315# US
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+1 719 359 4580 US
Meeting ID: 876 9572 7155
Passcode: 421315
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